Use DOMSerializer and DOMDeserializer to serialize and deserialize Java XML DOM object to and from the Candid payload of type RECORD.
A fully functional example using DOMSerializer and DOMDeserializer can be found here .
This example uses Motoko to call the canister . The canister uses 2 complex types, LoanApplication and LoanOffer.
Copy // Loan Application
public type LoanApplication = {
id: Nat;
firstname: Text;
lastname: Text;
zipcode: Text;
ssn: Text;
amount: Float;
term: Nat16;
created: Int;
// Loan Offer
public type LoanOffer = {
providerid: Principal;
providername: Text;
applicationid: Nat;
apr: Float;
created: Int;
The canister has 2 methods: apply and getOffers.
Copy public shared (msg) func apply(input : LoanApplication) : async LoanOffer {
counter += 1;
Debug.print("Loan Application for user " #Principal.toText(msg.caller));
let offer : LoanOffer = {
providerid = Principal.fromActor(this);
providername = "Loan Provider";
applicationid = counter;
apr = 3.14;
created =;
var userOffers : ?Offers<LoanOffer> = offers.get(msg.caller);
switch userOffers {
case (null) { var userOffer : Offers<LoanOffer> = Buffer.Buffer(0); userOffer.add(offer); offers.put(msg.caller, userOffer)};
case (?userOffer) { userOffer.add(offer); };
return offer;
public query (msg) func getOffers() : async [LoanOffer] {
var userOffers : ?Offers<LoanOffer> = offers.get(msg.caller);
switch userOffers {
case (null) { return [] };
case (?userOffer) { return userOffer.toArray() };
The example uses the file with XML LoanApplication payload as an input.
Copy <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<data xmlns="" xmlns:candid="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" candid:type="RECORD">
<amount candid:name="amount" candid:type="FLOAT64" xsi:type="xsd:double">20000.00</amount>
<term candid:name="term" candid:type="NAT16" xsi:type="xsd:unsignedShort">24</term>
<created candid:name="created" candid:type="INT" xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</created>
<id candid:name="id" candid:type="NAT" xsi:type="xsd:positiveInteger">0</id>
<firstname candid:name="firstname" candid:type="TEXT" xsi:type="xsd:string">John</firstname>
<lastname candid:name="lastname" candid:type="TEXT" xsi:type="xsd:string">Doe</lastname>
<zipcode candid:name="zipcode" candid:type="TEXT" xsi:type="xsd:string">99999</zipcode>
<ssn candid:name="ssn" candid:type="TEXT" xsi:type="xsd:string">111-11-1111</ssn>
Next, create IDLValue using the DOMSerializer create method.
The Serializer input is the variable type DOM Element .
Copy Element xmlValue = readNode(LOAN_APPLICATION_FILE);
IDLValue idlValue = IDLValue.create(xmlValue, DOMSerializer.create());
List<IDLValue> idlArgs = new ArrayList<IDLValue>();
byte[] buf = IDLArgs.create(idlArgs).toBytes();
To be able to properly map names and values to Candid name types for DOMDeserializer, declare the IDLType structure as follows:
Copy Map<Label,IDLType> offerRecord = new TreeMap<Label,IDLType>();
offerRecord.put(Label.createNamedLabel("providerid"), IDLType.createType(Type.PRINCIPAL));
offerRecord.put(Label.createNamedLabel("providername"), IDLType.createType(Type.TEXT));
offerRecord.put(Label.createNamedLabel("applicationid"), IDLType.createType(Type.NAT));
offerRecord.put(Label.createNamedLabel("apr"), IDLType.createType(Type.FLOAT64));
offerRecord.put(Label.createNamedLabel("created"), IDLType.createType(Type.INT));
IDLType resultIdlType = IDLType.createType(Type.RECORD, offerRecord);
Use UpdateBuilder , QueryBuilder or Raw Methods to call the Canister and deserialize output to DOM Element . Function rootElement is used to define root element of the XML structure. To set Candid XML Attributes in XML output use setAttributes function with true value.
Copy CompletableFuture<byte[]> response = UpdateBuilder.create(agent,Principal.fromString(icCanister), "apply").arg(buf).callAndWait(Waiter.create(60, 5));
byte[] output = response.get();
Element xmlResult = IDLArgs.fromBytes(output).getArgs().get(0)
.rootElement("", "data").setAttributes(true), Element.class);
By default, DOMDeserializer generates qualified XML document with namespaces. To generate unqualified XML document use DOMDeserializer function setQualified with false value.
XSI Types
DOMSerializer can use XML XSI attribute to convert XML value to specific primitive Candid type.
Copy <data xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<amount xsi:type="xsd:double">20000.00</amount>
<term xsi:type="xsd:unsignedShort">24</term>
XSI XML namespace is . Type is defined as XML Schema type .
Here is mapping table between Candid and XML Schema.
Using Candid XML Attributes
The developer can also use Candid XML attributes name and type to define Candid name and type. If XML document is qualified then it requires candid namespace definition
Copy <data xmlns="" xmlns:candid="" candid:type="RECORD">
<amount candid:name="amount" candid:type="FLOAT64">20000.00</amount>
<term candid:name="term" candid:type="NAT16">24</term>
Handling XML Arrays
By default, DOMSerializer and DOMDeserializer will assume that name of array item is item . To modify this name use function arrayItem in DOMSerializer and DOMDeserializer.