Use JDBCSerializer to serialize Java JDBC ResultSet object to the Candid payload of type RECORD.
A fully functional example using JDBCSerializer can be found here .
This example uses Motoko to call the canister . The canister uses complex type CreditCheck.
Copy // Credit Check
public type Credit = {
ssn: Text;
rating: Int32;
The canister has 1 method: apply and setCredit.
Copy public shared (msg) func setCredit(input : Credit){
Debug.print("Credit Check for ssn " #input.ssn);
The example uses the data from embedded Apache Derby SQL database as an input. Database table is reinitialized every time the sample runs.
Copy Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
String sql = "CREATE TABLE data (ssn VARCHAR(11) PRIMARY KEY,rating INT)";
sql = "INSERT INTO data VALUES ('111-11-1111',550)";
sql = "INSERT INTO data VALUES ('222-22-2222',650)";
sql = "INSERT INTO data VALUES ('333-33-3333',750)";
Execute JDBC PreparedStatement to get ResultSet data from the database.
Copy PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ssn, rating FROM data WHERE ssn = ?");
String ssn = "222-22-2222";
statement.setString(1, ssn);
ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery();
The Serializer input is the variable of type ResultSet . To serialize individual row from ResultSet to Candid RECORD use function array with false value. Otherwise the result will be Candid VEC type, wrapping Candid RECORD items.
Copy IDLValue idlValue = IDLValue.create(result, JDBCSerializer.create().array(false));
List<IDLValue> idlArgs = new ArrayList<IDLValue>();
byte[] buf = IDLArgs.create(idlArgs).toBytes();
Use UpdateBuilder , QueryBuilder or Raw Methods to call the Canister.
Copy CompletableFuture<byte[]> response = UpdateBuilder.create(agent, Principal.fromString(icCanister), "setCredit").arg(buf)
.callAndWait(Waiter.create(60, 5));
byte[] output = response.get();