A fully functional example using JDBCSerializer can be found here.
This example uses Motoko to call the canister main.mo. The canister uses complex type CreditCheck.
// Credit Check public typeCredit= { ssn:Text; rating:Int32; };
The canister has 1 method: apply and setCredit.
public shared (msg) func setCredit(input : Credit){Debug.print("Credit Check for ssn " #input.ssn); };
The example uses the data from embedded Apache Derby SQL database as an input. Database table is reinitialized every time the sample runs.
Statement statement =connection.createStatement();String sql ="CREATE TABLE data (ssn VARCHAR(11) PRIMARY KEY,rating INT)";statement.execute(sql);sql ="INSERT INTO data VALUES ('111-11-1111',550)";statement.execute(sql);sql ="INSERT INTO data VALUES ('222-22-2222',650)";statement.execute(sql);sql ="INSERT INTO data VALUES ('333-33-3333',750)";statement.execute(sql);
PreparedStatement statement =connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ssn, rating FROM data WHERE ssn = ?");String ssn ="222-22-2222";statement.setString(1, ssn);ResultSet result =statement.executeQuery();
The Serializer input is the variable of type ResultSet. To serialize individual row from ResultSet to Candid RECORD use function array with false value. Otherwise the result will be Candid VEC type, wrapping Candid RECORD items.